Easter Shadrack

Country: Republic of Sudan 

Easter Shadrack Miss North Sudan Utah 2020

Hey guys my name is Easter Shadrack I was born in Ethiopia originally from Sudan, we came to America in 1999 when I was one in a half year old i don’t remember anything from home. I just know we left sudan because of the war so my Parents moved to the camp in Ethiopia on March 15 1987 They lived in the camp for about 3 years Then they went back to sudan in 1990 they stayed there for one year and then they came back to Ethiopia in 1991, my older brother was born in Ethiopia in 1993 they were still living in the camp at that time then my older sister was born in Ethiopia as well in 1996 3 years later i was born 1998 then one year later that is when we moved to America in 1999 we came from Africa touchdown in Salt lake city UT in September of 1999 been in America for about 20 year now,

Currently i am living in south salt lake with my son who is Two years old,  i am going back to School In 2020, My parents Mathas And Malhasan Would always tell me and my siblings school was very important and that it was one of the reasons why we came to America it was to get a good Education and live a longer better life, I am also the secretary for our Uduk Youth community where we get together and plan thing for our youth like activity and games so that we can keep our culture.

My platform is on issues facing young single mothers. I was 19 at the time i had my 1st baby it was very hard i was very depressed and would not want to be bothered but i did need someone to talk to about how i was feeling i had no one or i just did not know how i was going to express how i was feeling, So now i want to be that voice for all the young single mother who need someone to talk to or who needs help with anything, when i was pregnant i went to most of my doctor Appointment Alone i would talk to myself like why ? Why am i here alone i did not make this child alone! I would always tell myself what ever happened i will always take care of my child even if the father of my son is not there, i did it i have many more years to come and many more thing to acomplish!!!!! As a single mother you will grow you will learn and you will love, your child is your evening after you first lay eyes on that angle.



Platform Title: The Support for young pregnant mothers!!

I hope I can help young pregnant mothers, with how to get to the hospital like for example if they had an appointment I would love if we can Help that get to the appointment I want to have group meeting with pregnant girl talk about the baby talk about how we can help you with the baby before the baby is here! I would love to just have them the young pregnant mothers just talk about how they are feeling or what they are going through so we can talk and help than Overcome what they are sacred for it’s not easy having a child at a young age and it’s not easy to raise one alone as well you need some support and help that’s what I am here for to support you an help you as we walk this 9m journey!

Sudan (Arabic: السودان Al-Sudan) is the third largest country in Africa and sixteenth largest in the world, bordering EgyptEritreaCentral African RepublicChadEthiopiaLibya, and South Sudan. Getting a visa for Sudan is an expensive hit-and-miss affair, but if you do manage to get in, and you stick to the safe areas, you will probably have a memorable experience. The Sudanese people are very hospitable, and you can visit some awesome tourist attractions without even seeing another tourist.

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